Sunday, August 17, 2008


Where she hustle's is out a sense of hopelesness, sort of a desperation
though that desperation becomes an addiction. - lyrically imposed by Jay-z himself.
Sometimes there's no better way, would you have thought of any other way?
She had to improvise to make a better her.
Her life remained on Auto-pilot, left at a stand-still, Jet lagged from a departure of hell in Which she's never realized meant so much at this time time and moment in her life.
it took her aback, the realization of it , she stumbles a little.
that goes to show how real it is.
The memories resurface as water overfills a rounded mug.
The addict side of her kicks in, it's like a demon that posses her small frame
She never knows of the days before as she takes part in this trance.
Her life as it is, relies on one thing
The ability to realize that she's made the stupidest mistake.

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